To redefine or re-establish the boundaries of your parcel.
Division of land into smaller parcels. (approval must be sought from Town and Country)
To regularise squatters on your land.
To determine remaining lands after all transfer.
Our History
Based in San Fernando, south Trinidad, L & S Surveying Services Limited has steadily grown along with the developments in the country. We have combined modern techniques and equipment with experienced, well trained and dedicated team of professionals, to provide high quality surveying and engineering solutions in every area of our business
Founded in Trinidad
Launched Underground Utility Services
Launched Laser Scanning Services
First Surveying Company to be Stow Certified
Launched Drone Surveying Services
Expanded to Guyana
What Our Clients Say
Recent Work
Aerial Solution – Using LiDAR to capture the topographic details of the site of interest to determine extent of encroachment and material removed. Also preparation of a cadastral plan as legal evidence.
Data capture of site via drone, capturing ortho mosaic and point cloud. Generation of volumes for existing stockpiles.
3D Laser Scanning used to capture existing facility to determine locations of clashes for new infrastructure. Images showing point cloud of existing facility & 3D model of new infrastructure to be installed (blue cylindrical line).
Our top-notch engineers are always ready to consult.
Our expert service providers will help you.
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